Excessive alcohol consumption is a problem affecting many people in Ohio as it is in many other states nationwide. Through our various forms of treatment, Bright Heart Health can effectively change your relationship with alcohol, lessening its damaging effects. There is no one size fits all approach to your treatment, our plans are tailored to your individual needs. Enjoy all the splendor, a beautiful life apart from alcohol dependency. The effects of alcohol consumption may be devastating, but Bright Heart Health has the resources and professionals to help you succeed.

Alcohol is the second leading cause of death behind opioid overdose. Alcohol is the most dangerous substance to withdraw from, which is why it is often necessary for patients to undergo medically supervised detox.  Our team of experts can coordinate a safe withdrawal process, and begin counseling.

New Mexico Opioid Treatment with Suboxone

We will address the underlying issues that may have spurred your addiction and teach you new life skills to prevent relapse. We can also prescribe safe medication including naltrexone, disulfiram, and acamprosate. If you were using alcohol to self-medicate for conditions such as chronic pain or anxiety, we also have treatment programs to help with those conditions as well. It is all part of our holistic approach to helping you feel better. 

Click here to get started or call 800-892-2695.