Paula Scatoloni LCSW, PLLC, CEDS

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge Eating
  • Somatic Therapy


Paula Scatoloni is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in Durham, NC. With over a decade of experience, Paula combines her in-depth understanding of attachment dynamics, eating and body image, and the latest research in neuroscience to assist individuals in restoring physical, emotional and psychological health. She has served as the Eating Disorder Coordinator at Duke University for nine years, overseeing a multidisciplinary team in the treatment of all types of disordered eating. She has taught extensively on the etiology and treatment of disordered eating throughout the Duke system and has served as a supervisor and adjunct faculty at UNC and Smith College. In 2001, Paula collaborated with Dr. Anita Johnston to develop the first eating disorder IOP model in 2001 in Honolulu, Hawaii. More recently, she has co-developed the EASEā„¢ Eating, Attachment & Somatic Education training program for professionals working in the field of eating disorders. She presently has a practice in the Durham, Chapel Hill area.
Years in Practice

Years Treating Eating Disorders