Opioid Withdrawals Should be Medically Supervised to Avoid Dangerous Complications

The opioid epidemic is claiming millions of victims nationwide. Many people who have overdosed on opiate drugs live in New Mexico. If you or somebody you love need help to withdraw safely from an opioid drug, Bright Heart Health is standing by to assist you now. We offer safe, affordable medically supervised opioid withdrawal no matter where you live in New Mexico. Call or email us without delay so we can begin to help you move from opioid dependency to health. Our online recovery services are available through your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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Escape From the Hopeless and Brutal Cycle of Opioid Dependence

Opioid dependence is an often fatal physical dependence on an opioid drug. Because the greatest danger of a fatal overdose comes when you have gone through opioid withdrawals and subsequently relapse, you should seek medical help for opioid dependence. Opioid drugs include:

  • Heroin
    Percocet (oxycodone)
    OxyContin (oxycodone)
    Vicodin (hydrocodone)
    Dilaudid (hydromorphone)
    Demerol (meperidine)

If you have become dependent on any of the above drugs with or without a prescription, you will need medical help to withdraw safely. Withdrawal can occur after you stop or decrease your dose of an opioid drug. You should be aware of the symptoms of withdrawal in order to seek help immediately before withdrawal becomes acute.

Opioid Withdrawals Symptoms Begin With Comparatively Mild Discomfort and Become Severe

Withdrawal Symptoms from Opiates

The onset of withdrawal from an opioid drug depends on a number of factors and varies from person to person. Early symptoms usually begin within 12 to 24 hours of your last use. Early withdrawals symptoms can include:

• Agitation
• Anxiety
• Runny nose
• Insomnia
• Muscle Aches
• Sweating
• Yawning

If you have stopped taking an opioid drug as listed above or have reduced the amount of the drug you take and begin to experience any of these early withdrawal symptoms you should seek help immediately before symptoms of opioid withdrawals become more severe.

Advanced withdrawal symptoms can include:

• Abdominal cramping
• Diarrhea
• Dilated pupils
• Goosebumps
• Nausea
• Vomiting

In addition to the above symptoms of advanced withdrawal, you could experience dangerous complications such as breathing stomach contents into your lungs (aspiration). You could become dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea and require hospitalization.

You should seek medical attention before the onset of withdrawal symptoms. However, if you live in a remote area this may be difficult to do. If you cannot get help before onset of withdrawal symptoms, seek medical help as soon as you possibly can after opioid withdrawals begin.

Treatment for Opioid Dependence

Effective Opioid treatment is different for each patient, depending on your unique circumstances and needs. Because there is no effective permanent withdrawal for most patients who are opioid dependent, another drug is usually prescribed to manage the physical dependence that comes when the opioid changes a person’s body chemistry. Suboxone© (brand name for buprenorphin /naloxone ) is considered the safest alternative by the United States Food and Drug Administration when used as prescribed for opioid dependence. Patients who take Suboxone can lead normal lives.

Because Opioid dependence is a complex problem which varies from patient to patient, a successful treatment strategy is a comprehensive holistic approach that is tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Treatments can include medication, therapy, counseling and peer support. Patients have to be medically screened prior to devising a strategy in order to ensure that they are not pregnant or allergic to medications.

New Mexico Opioid Treatment with Suboxone

Post-Acute Opioid Withdrawals: Treatment to Regain Your Health and Prevent Relapse

Relapse is dangerous. Many people who relapse on an opioid drug die from an overdose. In order to avoid relapsing into an opioid addiction, you should seek treatment that offers a holistic approach to recovery from opioid dependence. Bright Heart Health offers such a plan. Our experienced and dedicated staff of physicians, social workers, counselors and therapists will tailor a recovery strategy to your specific holistic needs.

We are doctors, social workers, therapists and counselors who have the expertise and a strong commitment to giving you the help you will need to regain your health and live a life that is free of opioid addiction. Some of the services we offer include:

• Medical treatment
• Individual therapy
• Group therapy
• Family therapy
• Narcotic replacement (maintenance)
• Psychiatric evaluation
• Psychological evaluation
• Dual diagnosis services
• Anger management


Suboxone for Opioid Treatment

Medically Supervised Withdrawal From Opioid Dependence

Once your initial medical screening is completed, you can begin medically supervised opioid withdrawals. Because an opioid drug can change your body chemistry you will need to take medications to avoid accelerated withdrawals. Medications commonly used to treat opioid dependency include:

• Methadone – used to reduce withdrawal symptoms and for long-term maintenance
• Buprenorphine-used to reduce withdrawal symptoms and for long term maintenance (Subutex©)
• Suboxone – used to reduce withdrawal symptoms, for long-term maintenance, and to reduce likelihood of relapse [link to the Suboxone page]
• Clonidine – used to reduce withdrawal symptoms
• Naltrexone – to prevent relapse
• Other medications, as indicated

Bright Heart Health Offers Online Recovery through Telemedicine!

We will support you as you undergo opioid withdrawals and throughout your recovery process. We can prescribe medication to minimize the discomfort and danger of accelerated opioid withdrawals. Best of all, we are the first medical provider to offer services through telemedicine. After an initial office visit, we offer our comprehensive program via an online portal which is available to you through a computer, tablet or smartphone. This ensures that you can access help through our services no matter where you live in New Mexico. If you travel your treatment does not need to be interrupted. Bright Heart Health offers complete privacy during opioid withdrawals and post-acute withdrawal healthcare and recovery so that you do not have to worry about people gaining access to information about your medical condition.

Our goal is to offer opioid recovery services to underserved populations. We are committed to ensuring that everybody who wants help can get the help they need to live a life that is free of the danger and hopelessness of addiction to an opioid drug. We accept most major insurance including Medicaid.

Bright Heart Health is endorsed by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency to offer help to victims of the current opioid plague which is devastating our nation. We will help you through opioid withdrawals and we offer opioid maintenance medication and holistic aftercare recovery services in complete privacy via our online portal.

Give us a call at (844) 884-4474 or send us an email now for help with opioid withdrawal and recovery. Wherever you are in New Mexico, you do not have to face this alone.

Telemedicine in New Mexico